Washing, Robotics

Automation at the washer outlet

Washer outfeed kit robot

Product description

Robot for making up “farmers’ kits” at the outfeed of plastic tray washers and plastic pallet and plastic divider washers. Standard kits or specific kits are made up according to requirements. The robot makes up the kits in one area and stocks the excess plastic pallets and dividers exiting the washers in 2 separate areas. In the robot area we find 2 unloading conveyors for each washer and 3 pallet locations on the ground (or automatic conveying) for the farmer kit, clean plastic pallets and clean plastic dividers.

Product benefits

  • No more arduous unloading of washers
  • Optimisation of washer outputs
  • Several kit “recipes” possible
  • 120 Eggs/hour
  • 8000 Units/hour
  • 6 kits/h Maximum capacity

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